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What is the Workshop?

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The Workshop for Intercommunal Study: Critical Analysis for Collective Action “I can’t be a pessimist… because I’m alive. To be a pessimist means that you have agreed that human life is an academic matter. So I’m forced to be an optimist. I’m forced to believe that we can survive whatever we must survive.” —James Baldwin…

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Janet Biehl: Bookchin, Öcalan, and the Dialectics of Democracy

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Originally published on New Compass. The following speech was delivered at the “Challenging Capitalist Modernity: Alternative concepts and the Kurdish Question” conference which took place in Hamburg, Germany over February 3-5, 2012. To listen to the speech as it was given, click here. In February 1999, at the moment when Abdullah Öcalan was abducted in Kenya,…

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Maurizio Lazzarato: “El capitalismo no necesita de la democracia”

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Originalmente publicado en La Voz del Interior. No muchas personas se enteraron, pero la semana pasada estuvo en Córdoba uno de los filósofos anticapitalistas más críticos y radicales del pensamiento político actual. Maurizio Lazzarato es autor de algunos libros fundamentales para entender el entramado ideológico, histórico, económico y cultural que está en la base de…

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